10 March 2008

Edmondson Web Sites

We're going to spotlight these every so often, as we come across them in our adventures online. To start off...

James Edmondson's Blog - According to his bio, James is a liberal free-market Atlanticist, monarchist, political enthusiast, blogger, website builder, bon viveur, skier, film watcher, man of Kent, Old Harrovian, Durham University alumnus, master of engineering, London resident, kit car builder, yogi, iPod Touch aficionado, ex-public sector leech, consulting monkey. He also lives in London.

Tracy Edmondson's Blog - Tracy and family live in Dallas, Texas.

The Edmondson Family - From Westfield, New Jersey, Kristin blogs about her husband and their children.

Edmondson Family MySpace Page - From Miamisburg, Ohio

Another Edmondson Family Web Site - Not much to this, mainly pictures, so not sure where these folks call home

A fellow by the name of R. Edmondson has two blogs, apparently aimed at sharing interesting or obscure information. They are Tell Me Why? and Did You Know?